
PA Loves Life: Today’s 4th-Annual Pennsylvania March for Life Calls For the Protection of Preborn Children, Support for Mothers and Families

PA Loves Life: Today’s 4th-Annual Pennsylvania March for Life Calls For the Protection of Preborn Children, Support for Mothers and Families

Marchers seek to be a voice for the voiceless and highlight the need for pro-life state policies. (HARRISBURG, PA - September 23, 2024) – Today is the fourth-annual Pennsylvania March for Life, what many state lawmakers say is the largest rally they have ever seen...

Why We March

Why We March

As we prepare for our 4th annual Pennsylvania March for Life, you may be asking - why? What does walking around a building actually do? Well, we’re glad you asked. The March for Life started in Washington, D.C. the year that the disastrous, pro-abortion (and...

Planned Parenthood Holds Rally on Dobbs Anniversary, Calls for Legislation that Would Remove Born-Alive Protections and More

Planned Parenthood Holds Rally on Dobbs Anniversary, Calls for Legislation that Would Remove Born-Alive Protections and More

On June 24, the momentous anniversary of the famous pro-life Dobbs decision, Planned Parenthood held a rally at the Capitol in Harrisburg to lament the occasion and revealed their extreme agenda.  Here are some telling highlights (or more appropriately,...