One abortion every 15 minutes. That’s what Pennsylvania’s 2023 Abortion Statistics report revealed, which was released earlier this month. With 35,412 abortions reported—a 1.6% increase from the previous year—the data highlights not just a rise in overall numbers but alarming trends, including a surge in late-term abortions and a staggering rise in complications among women. 

“Since 2020, the number of women suffering from abortion-related complications has doubled, with chemical abortions—now accounting for over half of all procedures—posing significant risks following the FDA’s removal of critical safety requirements,” says Josue Sierra, the Director of Communications at Pennsylvania Family Institute. “The report also underscores stark racial disparities, with black women disproportionately affected despite being a smaller percentage of the state’s population. These statistics emphasize the real human toll and societal consequences of abortion in Pennsylvania, calling for urgent attention and action.”

Here are the key takeaways:

1. Rise in late-term abortions in PA.

Abortions in PA after five months in pregnancy (20 weeks) have increased in recent years. Since 2017, while abortion totals went up 18%, abortions after five months in pregnancy went up 28%. In 2023, there were 560 abortions reported after five months in pregnancy.

2. Women suffering from abortion complications in PA doubled in three years.

Between 2020 and 2023, the reported number of women having complications from abortion has doubled. Since 2017, that number of women harmed has nearly quadrupled.

In January 2023, the FDA dangerously removed the in-person requirement for dispensing chemical abortions. These chemicals account for over 56% of all abortions in Pennsylvania.

Independence Law Center filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court in the case U.S. Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine on behalf of the Family Policy Alliance and state family policy councils, including Pennsylvania Family Institute. 

The brief addresses federalism concerns as well as the danger to women that resulted from the FDA abandoning its safety requirements and essentially turning chemical abortion into self-managed abortion.

Erik Baptist, an attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom, said, “The FDA has continued to illegally remove—without adequate justification—the few critical safety standards it had originally implemented. This erosion of safety standards has harmed women, and that is why Alliance Defending Freedom is at the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the FDA’s reckless actions.”

3. Abortions By Race: Black women near top race for most abortions in Pennsylvania

The total amount of abortions by white women is nearly identical to black women despite the difference in population ratio. There is only a one-percent gap between white women (45%) and black women (44%) having abortions despite the distribution of women by race being 72% white to 11% black.

Philadelphia County,  the county with the highest African-American population in the state, accounts for nearly a third (30%) of all abortions in the state, with 10,826 reported cases. This figure is higher than the next three counties combined. 

A Call to Action

Pennsylvania’s Abortion Statistics report is a sobering reminder of the urgent need for action among pro-life advocates. This data compels us to redouble our efforts to educate our communities on the objective truth about the sanctity of unborn life, affirming the intrinsic value and dignity of every human being created in the image of God. Churches must lead the way, deepening theological understanding and equipping their members to defend and promote a culture of life with both compassion and conviction. 

Furthermore, it is essential to continue building a society that supports women facing unplanned pregnancies, offering practical resources and fostering environments of care, hope, and encouragement. Together, we can cultivate a culture that not only respects and protects human life but also cherishes it as a gift from God, ensuring that every person—born and unborn—is valued and loved.