by Tom Shaheen
Imagine this:
A state where all innocent human life is protected in law, starting with babies in the womb.
A state where doctors who profit from killing instead of healing, are not welcome.
A state where women’s health is more important than the political agenda of Planned Parenthood.
Well, that dream may be closer than you think. Take note of two important events just this week:
LAST ABORTION CLINIC IN MISSISSIPPI: – New abortion regulations in Mississippi require abortionists to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, something that reportedly no current abortionist has so far been able to obtain. The law was passed to ensure the health and safety of women undergoing abortions, who may experience serious complications and need immediate attention, with the hope of preventing the types of horrors women experienced in the Kermit Gosnell “house of horrors” case in West Philadelphia that came to light with a Grand Jury report in January 2011.
RIGHT HERE IN PENNSYLVANIA – new abortion clinic regulations just went into effect. Act 122 (passed as Senate Bill 732 in Dec. 2011) now holds abortion centers to the same health and safety standards as every other type of free-standing surgical facility. The law was signed by Gov. Tom Corbett in Dec. 2011 after an 11-month legislative battle since new legislation was introduced in response to the tragic “House of Horrors” clinic was discovered in West Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Family Council and other prolife groups helped to counter the intense and nasty opposition that lawmakers faced from the abortion business operators and their lobbying cronies at Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, among others.