A vote is expected today on HB1948, which would end late-term and dismemberment abortions in Pennsylvania. Here’s how you can help:

1. Pray

The Representatives are on the floor right now with final debates on the bill and a vote will take place very soon. (Follow us on Facebook for the latest on the final vote.)

2. Call your State Representative: “Vote YES on HB1948.”

Even though the vote is about to take place, the debate may take some time and your call can still make a difference. After calling, you can follow-up with an email here: http://www.tinyurl.com/endlateterm

3. Educate others on HB1948.

There are a number of resources available to help understand the importance of the issue:

1. A two-page handout on the legislation can be used to inform family and friends on the importance of the legislation. It is for children like Will that we need to update our quarter-century-old abortion law and pass HB1948.

Lydia and Will

2. Live Action’s video on the Dilation & Evacuation procedure (also known as dismemberment abortions):


3. Video of Representative Kathy Rapp, one of the prime sponsors of HB1948, explaining the importance of updating our over quarter-century-old abortion law:
