For Immediate Release
May 23, 2012

(Harrisburg, PA) – “It’s time for Planned Parenthood to come clean,” announced Thomas Shaheen, Vice-President for Policy of the Pennsylvania Family Council.

“They claim they do not use taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions. Yet one taxpayer dollar that goes to Planned Parenthood for anything frees up another dollar to fund their massive abortion operation. Therefore, any funding to Planned Parenthood forces taxpayers to support abortions.”

The Whole Woman’s Health Funding Priority Act simply prioritizes the funding to legitimate healthcare providers who can provide more comprehensive services. And who are not in the abortion business.

With federal deficits exceeding $1 trillion annually, states must allocate available family planning funds efficiently. Public and private providers of primary and preventative care utilize public funds more effectively than providers of specialized services. Women deserve access to health care providers capable of providing them with a full range of coordinated care.

This bill prioritizes family planning funding first to public entities such as health departments; second to non-public hospitals and Federally Qualified Health Centers; third to rural health clinics; and fourth to non-public health providers that can provide primary “Whole Woman” care.

Shaheen added, “Planned Parenthood says it wants to keep “politics” out of women’s health. We agree.”

This legislation would do exactly that: Ensure that Pennsylvania taxpayer dollars meant for women’s health are not subsidizing Planned Parenthood’s abortion promotion agenda – that includes their abortion businesses, their lobbying activity and their campaign and election activity.

The Pennsylvania Family Council calls on the full House of Representatives and the Senate for swift passage of the bill, so it can go to Gov. Tom Corbett for his signature.

Use our Citizen Action Center to contact your legislators to support this bill! 

Click here to view a fact sheet on the bill.