When President Obama told a joint session of Congress that taxpayer funding for abortion was not and would not be part of his health care plan, he was… well… what Joe Wilson said. I’m glad for Congressman Bart Stupak (D) MI, and our friend, Congressman Joe Pitts (R) – PA16, for working hard to against the abortion funding.

American’s United for Life’s Charmaine Yoest writes about it in today’s Wall Street Journal:

Abortion and the Health Bill
There is no middle ground. Either taxpayers will fund it or they won’t. By CHARMAINE YOEST

It’s now becoming clear that Barack Obama is willing to put everything on the table in order to be the president who passes health-care reform. Everything, that is, except a ban on federal funding for abortion.

Last September, the president promised that “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.” Yet the legislation most likely to move forward in Congress would be the single greatest expansion of abortion since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

The White House knows how to turn Mr. Obama’s September commitment into legislative action. I met with senior White House officials and told them that only adding a so-called Hyde Amendment to the health-care reform bills would fulfill the president’s promise to protect Americans from subsidizing abortion.

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