“The momentum around options for students has never been greater, which is why we stand here in Pennsylvania eager to provide students from across our state much needed options.”
That was PA State Rep. Joe D’Orsie (R-York) at a press conference today introducing his new bill to create a Student Freedom Account Act, the latest school choice legislation being considered in Pennsylvania.
House Bill 1904 would create a program where a portion of education funding is spent more efficiently and directly help families. This new program would create accounts that parents can use to help cover their child’s education expenses, in both public and private school settings. These expenses may include curriculum, methods and other resources. The Department of Treasury would administer and manage oversight of these accounts.
Education is not one size fits all. We will not fix widespread education issues until we improve our current system. Right now, the majority of Pennsylvania fourth graders are not proficient in reading. Something needs to change.
The Student Freedom Account Act would help more families set their child up for success in education. They are overwhelmingly popular both in Pennsylvania and in many other states with parents looking for better schooling options for their children .
We were happy to stand alongside Rep. D’Orsie and other state lawmakers today as fellow advocates for parental choice in their child’s education. Please encourage your State Representative to support the Student Freedom Account Act, HB 1904.