Take Action: Contact your State Representatives and State Senator to ask them to do everything in their power to restore funding to Real Alternatives and support pregnancy resource centers. 

Summary: Shortly after signing his first ever budget, Governor Shapiro announced he would be ending the Commonwealth’s 30-year contract with Real Alternatives, a network of pregnancy resource centers, mother’s homes, adoption agencies, and charities. 

Pregnancy resource centers are an irreplaceable part of our communities – each year they provide tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians with millions worth of diapers, clothes, formula, parenting classes, and more. Approximately 60% of the women who come to Real Alternatives considering abortion choose to bring their baby to term.  Also, 84% of women that have been pressured to abort choose to bring their baby to term.

This loss in millions in funding will likely result in more abortions and less support for women and families. Continued attacks on pregnancy resource centers hurt women in vulnerable situations and line the pockets of the abortion industry. 

While the Shapiro administration has already signed the basic state budget, the necessary fiscal codes, which direct budget appropriations, are still being negotiated. Your legislators need to know now, more than ever, how important pregnancy resource centers are to our Commonwealth.