Pennsylvania’s abortion industry is busy suing the state, attempting to force taxpayers to fund all elective abortions and jeopardize current health regulations, including mandatory inspections. 

(HARRISBURG, PA – February 10, 2022) Reports from the PA Department of Health show Pennsylvania is reporting fewer births, while the state’s abortion industry — which is suing the state to force taxpayers to fund elective abortions — is profiting from more abortions and failing numerous state inspections.

Nine of Pennsylvania’s 17 freestanding abortion facilities failed at least one inspection last year, including six of the 12 Planned Parenthood abortion facilities, meaning over half of the state’s abortion mills failed a state inspection last year.

“This is unacceptable,” said Michael Geer, President of Pennsylvania Family Institute. “These entities, many of which get taxpayer subsidies, have a history of putting profits over patients. That couldn’t be more apparent than in these recent findings. This abortion industry continues to put women at risk while taking the lives of thousands of preborn children for money. Pennsylvanians deserve better.”

The list of abortion facilities that failed a state health inspection in 2021 includes:

  1. Allegheny Reproductive Health Center
  2. Allentown Women’s Center
  3. Philadelphia Women’s Center
  4. Planned Parenthood Keystone – Allentown
  5. Planned Parenthood Keystone – Warminster
  6. Planned Parenthood Southeastern PA – Comly Rd, Philadelphia
  7. Planned Parenthood Southeastern PA – Locust St, Philadelphia
  8. Planned Parenthood Southeastern PA – West Chester
  9. Planned Parenthood Western PA

Infractions included performing emergency procedures that should be done in a hospital setting (Allentown Women’s Center put an 18-year-old’s life at risk), failure to offer informed consent, using expired anesthetic, and failure to keep exam rooms and equipment clean. Several abortion facilities failed consecutive inspections, including Planned Parenthood Keystone in Allentown and Warminster. 

These nine locations that failed state inspection are where the vast majority of abortions are performed in Pennsylvania. Each of these locations are also part of the lawsuit, Allegheny Reproductive v. Dept. of Human Services, demanding the state gives them taxpayer dollars to cover abortion services.

Additional information from the Pennsylvania Department of Health reveals:

  1. Annual abortions have increased 7% since 2017, which now amounts to 88 abortions a day.
  2. Annual births in Pennsylvania dropped 3% (2017-2019), which represents over 3,000 fewer babies born annually.
  3. 2020 marks the first time chemical (medical) abortions outnumber surgical abortions. Abortion facilities are putting more women at risk through telemedicine abortions, which results in heightened risk of complications by forgoing in-person consultations and ultrasounds to confirm the status of the pregnancy, while also risking an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Since Gov. Tom Wolf has taken office, Planned Parenthood, the state’s largest abortion business, has received over $19 million in taxpayer funding

“It’s shocking that, after receiving millions in taxpayer dollars and after serious health inspection infractions, the abortion industry has the audacity to demand more abortions and even more taxpayer funding in their lawsuit now before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court,” says Alexis Sneller, Communciations and Policy Officer at Pennsylvania Family Institute.

This is why Pennsylvania citizens and taxpayers need our elected officials to pass the Life Amendment. Senate Bill 956, sponsored by PA State Sen. Judy Ward, is a proposed constitutional amendment that would prevent courts from forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions. This bill would also protect Pennsylvania’s current pro-life protections by keeping abortion out of our state constitution.

The abortion industry in Pennsylvania is failing inspections, putting more women at risk, while at the same time attempting to bypass the legislative process and use the courts to force taxpayers to pay for abortions. Pennsylvanians deserve better.