Today, four State Senators – Michele Brooks, Scott Hutchinson, Scott Martin, and Judy Ward – announced they would be introducing legislation soon.
The legislation would call upon two state executive offices, the Attorney General and Auditor General, “to investigate reports that the University of Pittsburgh is harvesting body parts from live and aborted babies for their use in research.”
The senators’ memo to the colleagues continues:
“Our legislation will call on the state Auditor General to review the University’s use of state-appropriated and grant funds and identify whether any of those funds are being utilized for this research…The bill will also require the Attorney General to investigate the research practices and research projects undergone by University faculty, staff, and students in the last decade.”
We need answers. Is the University of Pittsburgh involved with inhumane, unethical, taxpayer-funded experiments on body parts from aborted babies? Are they indeed using barbaric procedures that appear to involve taking born alive babies and harvesting their organs while they are still alive? Quite frankly, we don’t know the full details. And that is precisely what we need to find out. (See timeline of events)
These State Senators join a growing number of other elected officials calling for an investigation, including Congressmen Mike Kelly, GT Thompson and Guy Reschenthaler, along with State Representative Kathy Rapp. Retired Superior Court Judge Cheryl Allen has also called for a full investigation.
Take Action: Sign the open letter to Pitt and call upon our Auditor General for a full investigation. To sign, go to
In agreement with investigating the reports that the University of Pittsburgh is harvesting body parts from live and aborted babies in their research.