Over 30,000 abortions annually is a reminder of why our pro-life work is so vitally important.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health just released their latest report covering the landscape of abortion in our state and it sadly shows a small increase in the number of babies killed by abortion.
In 2018, there were 30,364 abortions performed in Pennsylvania, up 1 percent from the previous year.
A few takeaways from this new report:
- First increase in abortions since 2014. The increase in abortions performed marks the first increase since 2014, when it increased slightly to 32,126.
- Chemical abortions continue to rise. 41 percent of all abortions were chemical abortions (listed as Medical – non-surgical). That’s up from 38% the previous year, nearly 1,000 more chemical abortions in just one year.
- More complications from abortions. There were 25 percent more complications reported from abortions than in 2017. The majority of the complications resulted from chemical abortions, something Planned Parenthood wants to increase by performing abortions by video. (Take Action: Help stop abortions by video in Pennsylvania)
- More late-term abortions. There were 457 abortions after 20 weeks in pregnancy, up 5 percent from the previous year. These abortions would have been prevented had Governor Tom Wolf not vetoed legislation that would have limited abortion up to 20 weeks of pregnancy instead of the current 24 week limit.
Pennsylvania Family Institute is your leading pro-life advocate in the state, helping to protect life throughout the Commonwealth. To partner with us in 2020 and help with efforts like the first-ever PA March for Life, click here or call 717-545-0600.