On Wednesday, November 20th, the State Senate voted 27-22 to pass the Down Syndrome Protection Act, House Bill 321, which would help end the targeting of children with Down syndrome for abortion. This bill already passed the PA House in May by a vote of 117-76.
Here’s the State Senate roll call on HB321:

Please consider making a phone call and/or send a message on Twitter to thank these State Senators for voting Yes on the Down Syndrome Protection Act (especially if one is your State Senator):
- State Senator Scott Martin (R-Lancaster), Lead Sponsor: 717-787-6535 @ScottFMartin
- State Senator Judy Ward (R-Blair), Lead Sponsor: 717-787-5490 @SenatorJWard
- State Senate President Pro-Tempore Joseph Scarnati (R-Cameron) 717-787-7084 @senatorscarnati
- State Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman (R-Centre) 717-787-1377 @JakeCorman
- Health Committee Chair State Senator Michele Brooks (R-Mercer) 717-787-1322
- State Senator David Argall (R-Berks) 717-787-2637 @SenatorArgall
- State Senator Ryan Aument (R-Lancaster) 717-787-4420 @SenatorAument
- State Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-Beaver) 717-787-1463 @senbartolotta
- State Senator Larry Brewster (D-Allegheny) 717-787-5580 @SenatorBrewster
- State Senator Patrick Browne (R-Lehigh) 717-787-1349 @SenatorBrowne
- State Senator John DiSanto (R-Dauphin) 717-787-6801 @SenatorDiSanto
- State Senator John Gordner (R-Montour) 717-787-8928 @SenatorGordner
- State Senator Scott Hutchinson (R-Butler) 717-787-9684 @SenHutchinson
- State Senator Thomas Killion (R-Chester) 717-787-4712 @SenKillion
- State Senator Wayne Langerholc (R-Bedford) 717-787-5400 @SenLangerholc
- State Senator Doug Mastriano (R-Adams) 717-787-4651 @SenMastriano
- State Senator Bob Mensch (R-Berks) 717-787-3110 @SenatorMensch
- State Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) 717-787-7085 @SenatorKristin
- State Senator Joe Pittman (R-Armstrong) 717-787-8724
- State Senator Mike Regan (R-Cumberland) 717-787-8524 @SenatorReganPA
- State Senator Mario Scavello (R-Monroe) 717-787-6123 @senatorscavello
- State Senator Patrick Stefano (R-Fayette) 717-787-7175 @SenatorStefano
- State Senator Robert Tomlinson (R-Bucks) 717-787-5072 @SenTomlinson
- State Senator Elder Vogel (R-Beaver) 717-787-3076 @SenElderVogelJr
- State Senator Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) 717-787-6063 @SenatorKimWard
- State Senator Gene Yaw (R-Bradford) 717-787-3280 @SenatorGeneYaw
- State Senator John Yudichak (I-Carbon) 717-787-7105 @SenJohnYudichak
Thank you, Senator Ward, for your vote for life, for your stand on the emissions testing, and for the other good things you are trying to do. I am one of your supporters.