Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran testified before Congress in support of the First Amendment Defense Act – a bill seeking to protect religious freedom.

“It’s unthinkable to me today as an American, that the very faith and patriotism that caused my childhood dream to come true and my professional achievements is what the government ultimately used to bring my childhood dream come true to an end.”

“Equal rights and true tolerance means that regardless of your position on marriage, you should be able to peaceably live out your beliefs and not suffer discrimination at the hands of the government. The First Amendment Defense Act would ensure that no federal employee who express their beliefs about marriage on their own time face discrimination by the government and face punishment that I have endured. Please pass this law. Ensure our country remains diverse and truly tolerant. No one deserves to be truly marginalized or driven out of their profession simply because of their beliefs about marriage.”

Listen to Chief Cochran’s full remarks here:

Chief Cochran