GOOD WORK to those who have reached out to their State Senator regarding the Bathroom Bills (SB 1306, SB 1307, and SB 974). Phones over at the State Senate are ringing off the hook! But, the work is not over yet. Some Senators still misunderstand the implications of these bills and fail to recognize that these are in-fact “Bathroom Bills” and they will NOT protect religious freedom or freedom of conscience. Other Senate Republicans are feeling pressure from outside special interest groups and lobbyists to support this legislation. But, your calls and emails have effectively been stirring up the Senate to stop these bills!
TOMORROW one of these bills is scheduled to be voted on in a Senate committee. So it is imperative that you KEEP IT UP and ACT NOW.
Legislators have a responsibility to stand for their constituents – YOU! As constituents you have the ability to make your voice heard. To help stop bills like these you simply need to call or email your Senator. Tell them bills that are detrimental to personal privacy and safety, and religious freedom have no place in Pennsylvania. If you have already contacted your Senator, we encourage you to contact others to call or email their Senators. Get back to us with what they tell you.
If you do not know who your State Senator is, please use our Citizen Action Center to send an email that will automatically be delivered to your State Senator. For a phone number, click here for a list of Senators.
To help your legislator better understand this bill, please read our fact sheet on religious freedom or the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the protection of privacy.
1. Call your State Senator to oppose SB 1306, SB 1307 and SB 974 (and to email – click here).
2. With the speed of these new threats, we need help recruiting as many as possible to contact their State Senator. You can refer to our action alerts at Also, there exists another threat in the State House – for more:
3. Plan to join us in Harrisburg Monday, June 27 for the Defend My Privacy Rally.