This story has been updated with the current state legislation.
Dear Pennsylvania legislators and citizens of Pennsylvania,
This is our daughter Lydia. She is 3 years old and lives in central PA. She is a happy, active little girl, full of life and interested in everyone around her. People are drawn to her because of her outgoing nature. She loves to play dress up and pretend she is a princess. Her determination and perseverance are perhaps her most marked characteristics. She is the youngest of our two children.
The picture she is holding is of herself at just one day old. She was born at 25 weeks, weighing 1 lb. 11 oz. and measuring a mere 11 inches long. She spent 100 days in the Hershey Medical Center where she bravely fought for her life and endured 3 surgeries over that time. Within only a year’s time, she was considered developmentally on-track with her peers despite having to play catch-up due to her premature birth. In the face of daunting physical circumstances, Lydia has thrived. She is remarkable to those who know her story well.
In PA, if Lydia had been born just 5 hours earlier, she could have been legally aborted. Like Will, born at 24 weeks, extremely premature babies from 22 weeks on are not only surviving but thriving. We watched Lydia and others born earlier than 25 weeks survive the NICU.
Let’s end late-term abortion and let others like Lydia live. That’s why we encourage support for SB3 & HB77.
Brandon and Natalie Groff – Annville, PA
End it, no one has the right to murder
I believe life starts at conception. At 24-25 weeks, these children can breath , have heartbeats and other developed organs. They are human beings. Don’t murder these innocent children.
I too believe life begins at conception. I just volunteered at a Special Olympics event. It brought tears to my eyes seeing the effort and determination the disabled athletes put into everything they did, win or lose. They were all people that some would have aborted.