An new opportunity this year leading into the March for Life is the Evangelicals for Life conference – a national event to help equip voices for life.

Some of the staff at the Pennsylvania Family Institute are in attendance. Here are a few quotes to highlight from the conference:

Adoption in the Bible is a past-tense verb; not an adjective.

Dr. Russell Moore, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Dr. Moore also mentioned how his biological son was born three weeks early. “Part of his son’s story is that fact but it doesn’t define him.” He pointed to Romans 8, Galatians 4 and Ephesians 1 as evidence to what God’s heart is for his children and the proper perspective on adoption.

A reporter asked me, “What is more important – the woman or the baby?” I replied that’s like asking is it more important to breathe in or to breathe out? Both are essential to life.

Roland C. Warren – President & CEO of Care Net

Warren also gave a great analogy of why the most famous unintended pregnancy – Mother Mary – was not in a crisis situation. It was because God orchestrated Joseph to take Mary as his wife and be there for her as a husband and a father.

One of the biggest problems for pregnancy resource centers is having women be repeat patients. Warren discussed how there needs to be a transformational model vs. the transaction model (like Planned Parenthood) where we connect the issue of life with the issue of marriage and fatherhood.

We can’t be pro-life on Sunday and vote pro-choice on Tuesday.

Pastor Samuel Rodriguez -President/CEO, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and CONELA

Pastor Rodriguez pointed out that the quintessential civil rights issue in the Latino community is abortion. “No greater example of racism than a company setting up an abortion clinic in the Latino community.”

What is an example of a woman being negatively impacted by this law?

Casey Maddox  – Alliance Defending Freedom

The law Maddox was referencing was fetal pain legislation; which has been passed in 13 states. This legislation put a stop to abortion after 20 weeks – with evidence beyond this stage in pregnancy of the baby feeling pain as well as there being greater risk involved in the abortion procedure.

Please pray for wisdom and courage for everyone involved.

David Daleiden – Center for Medical Progress

This is how Daleiden responded when asked how we can pray for him. He confidently explained the incredible work of his undercover videos that shared the truth about Planned Parenthood’s practice of abortion and the sale of baby parts. Planned Parenthood recently announced a lawsuit against his organization.