(From Philadelphia Inquirer, Weds, 4/20/11)

Letters: House bill implements jury’s recommendation

Pennsylvania’s General Assembly is finally moving to protect women from dangerous conditions in abortion clinics.
Angela Couloumbis (“Republicans make advances on issues in Harrisburg,” Monday) refers to House Bill 574, which passed out of the House Health Committee by an 18-4 vote, and notes that opponents call the bill “a veiled attempt to curb access to abortion.”

In fact, the regulations called for in HB 574 are specifically recommended by the grand jury report concerning Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic. Item No. 5 states: “The Pennsylvania Department of Health should license abortion clinics as ambulatory surgical facilities.” HB 574 would implement that recommendation.

The jury understood how political influence led to the lack of oversight that allowed the Gosnell scandal to happen. That lobbyists are working on behalf of the abortion industry to fight the jury’s recommendations only demonstrates how such harmful influence is still at work.

Michael Geer
Pennsylvania Family Institute
