If you could save a girl from being trafficked in Pennsylvania, would you do it?
I trust your answer is yes. So now the bigger question: How?
First, consider the following:
- There were 81 reported cases of sex trafficking in Pennsylvania last year alone.
- The FBI indicates strip clubs are havens for sex trafficking.
- There are 115 strip clubs in 66 cities across Pennsylvania.
With the connection of sex trafficking to adult-oriented establishments (strip clubs), there should be strict regulations on these establishments to help prevent sex trafficking.
In Pennsylvania, criminals of sex trafficking are able to own, operate and work for adult-oriented establishments. And in these establishments, law enforcement does not have an easy way to account for each performer to help stop any women from being trafficked in these locations.
Barber shops and church kitchens are more strictly regulated in PA than adult-oriented establishments. That must end.
You can help end this by supporting new legislation and the #StoptheSale campaign. #StoptheSale is directing action on HB 262, legislation introduced by Representative Matthew Baker (R-Tioga) that would help to end sex trafficking in Pennsylvania.
HB 262 is directed at the observation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that “victims of trafficking are forced into various forms of commercial sexual exploitation including….stripping.” Here is what HB 262 would implement:
1) It would prevent adult-oriented establishments from being run by or employing those involved in sex trafficking or other crimes such as prostitution or exploitation of children.
2) It would provide for information gathering and training for law enforcement and others who interact with potential victims to identify where sex trafficking may be occurring.
3) Additionally, HB 262 would update our current law on adult-oriented establishments to provide an environment less likely to create demand for trafficked persons.
If you think sex trafficking isn’t a problem in Pennsylvania – just look at recent headlines. It does happen here. And we should be doing all that we can to stop women being trafficked.
Shine a light on sex trafficking – Support HB 262 | #StoptheSale
1. Ask your State Representative to support HB 262: click here to send them an email message or go to tinyurl.com/stopthesalePA.