As parents, we want to be able to choose the education for our children and have the government respect those choices. There is currently a bill in the State House that would provide more freedom for parents who choose to homeschool their children. House Bill 1013 would help reduce the bureaucratic hurdles for families who choose to homeschool. 

HB 1013 would eliminate the public school superintendent’s review of home education programs, but instead require that they accept an independent evaluator’s determination that appropriate education is occurring at home. This would greatly improve our 25-year-old home education law by empowering parents in dealing with the “red tape” and school officials, who many times show opposition to homeschooling.

HB 1013 is stalled in the House Education Committee and needs your calls to move it forward to a vote. Even if you do not homeschool, we ask that you please call these members of the committee and ask them support HB 1013 to remove the unnecessary double evaluation of home education programs, and support parental freedom in education.

Hon. Paul I. Clymer, Chair
Email at 
(717) 783-3154

Hon. James R. Roebuck Jr., Minority Chair
Email at
(717) 783-1000

Hon. Will Tallman, Secretary
Email at 
(717) 783-8875

Hon. Jim Christiana, Subcommittee Chair on Higher Education
Email at
(717) 260-6144

Hon. Bernie O’Neill, Subcommittee Chair on Basic Education
Email at 
(717) 705-7170

Hon. Kathy L. Rapp, Subcommittee Chair on Special Education
Email at
(717) 787-1367

Hon. Ryan P. Aument
Email at
(717) 705-7161

Hon. Joe Emrick
Email at 
(717) 260-6159

Hon. Harold A. English
Email at
(717) 260-6407

Hon. Mike Fleck
Email at 
(717) 787-3335

Hon. Mark M. Gillen
Email at
(717) 787-8550

Hon. Seth M. Grove
Email at
(717) 783-2655

Hon. Mike Reese
Email at
(717) 783-9311

Hon. Todd Rock
Email at
(717) 783-5218

Hon. Justin J. Simmons
Email at
(717) 783-1673

Hon. Dan Truitt
Email at
(717) 260-6164