The entire nation was shocked earlier this year when a Philadelphia grand jury released its report on the Women’s Medical Society abortion center in West Philadelphia, detailing accounts of murdered women, gruesome conditions inside, and “countless” babies being delivered alive and then killed, not to mention the many deaths of babies by late-term abortions.

The report, issued nearly 12 months ago, also recounted years of inaction by city and state government officials, who turned a blind eye not only to Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors,” but to the abortion industry throughout Pennsylvania.  More than 15 years passed without a single inspection of an abortion clinic in Pennsylvania.  What’s more, as the Grand Jury report stated, “customers of nail salons” have more regulatory protections than those of abortion clinics.

This is about to change if you will take action today.  The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is set to vote today on final passage of SB 732, which would impose more stringent regulations and inspections on the abortion industry, to at least bring it in line with other outpatient surgical centers.

Please call and email your State Representative today, and ask him or her to support SB 732, and to oppose any weakening amendment.

Please also call your Pennsylvania State Senator today, and ask him or her to support SB 732 should it be sent over from the House.

We support and work for all efforts to end abortion, and we encourage the protection of women who would fall prey to the greed and immoral actions of abortionists.

Thank you for taking action!

Forward this alert to your friends and family.

Pennsylvania Family Council is a non-profit organization made possible through financial donations from our supporters. To donate to Pennsylvania Family Council, click here.