“Medical Marijuana” has been proposed in legislation in the PA Senate. This Lansing State Journal story shows that pot use for medical purposes is “out of control,” and that there is a small number of physicians writing the vast number of prescriptions for unspecified illnesses. Quoting MI Attorney General Bill Schuette, who led the opposition to the voter-passed ballot proposal in 2008, “This is just what we predicted. It is totally out of control.” Read the story here.
Unsubstantiated claims by a biast AG! The great majority of us michiganders endorse this law whole heartedly! The only “problems” are being proclaimed by prosecuters, judges, lawyers, and officers! And for no wonder, their very livelyhood depends on marijuana being illegal. Ask DEA admin Judge Francis Young! Or ask Irv Rosenfeld, our government pays for him to get 300 pre rolled joints a month! He’s allowed to possess it anywhere in the USA, even drive while smoking it! If its safer than alcohol why is it illegal? Too much money in it!