What we’re reading:

A Sacred Institution Government Must Protect Jim Daly, Washingtown Post (29 July, 2009) -“Focus on the Family President and CEO Jim Daly has joined the roster of global religious leaders who contribute to “On Faith,” a blog published jointly by The Washington Post and Newsweek.”  To start off, he defends the “sacred institution” of marriage.  He notes that the government is wrong in considering the union of two same-sex individuals as “sacred.”  However, what is even more interesting is to read the comments that other bloggers said in opposition to Daly’s statement, revealing how blind many people have become in even the simple concept of recognizing what is sacred.

Gay Activists Bankroll Opposition to Pro-Marriage State Senator Kim Trobee (29 July, 2009) -Gay activists are pushing their same-sex ‘marriage’ morals on Pennsylvania not by the voice of the people, but by money.  They are collecting money from Colorado and California to shut down the voices of senators and citizens that believe marriage to be between a man and a woman.  As Michael Geer, the President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, said “They’re spending lots of money to not only promote that idea in the state, but to specifically go after Senator Eichelberger and anyone else who supports keeping marriage one man and one woman.”  Therefore, show your support for defining marriage between one man and one woman to your senators and in your community to keep encouraging people to do what is right.

No House Vote on Health-Care Until August Recess Kathleen Gilbert, LifeSiteNews (29, July 2009) -With the high costs of a public health-care system and the underlying push for legalizing abortion, the health-care plan is on hold.  This hold only opens the door for more opportunity to let our congressmen know where to stand on health-care with the abortion strings attached.  We need to stree the immorality of taxpayer funded abortions and the religious liberties that are lost if the current health-care plan passes.