What we’re reading:
- Legalizing Video Poker is Bad Bet for Pennsylvania Dennis Zimmerman, The Tribune-Democrat (3 June, 2009) -Bill 1317 is close to legalizing the “most addictive gambling behaviors in taverns and restaurants-17,000 in all-in every neighborhood in Pennsylvania.”
- Pennsylvanians Deserve Open Budget Debate Benefield and Bryan, Commonwealth Foundation (4 June, 2009) -“Twenty States and the federal government have online spending databases or transparency portals.” Why shouldn’t Pennsylvania seek full transparency in state spending as well?
- New Hampshire Legalizes Same-Sex “Marriage”: Governor Signs Bill Alex Bush, LifeSiteNews (3 June, 2009)
- PBS May Crack Down on Religious Content CitizenLink (4 June, 2009) -Federal Policy Analyst at Focus on the Family Action, Ashley Horne, comments that “Forcing stations to ban religious programming or lose their affiliation treats religious like some kind of disease.”
- Same-Sex Couples Fight for Immigration Rights Mallory Simon, CNNPolitics (4 June, 2009) -By permitting citizenship to foreign-born homosexual partners, it “weakens our federal law and chips away at the unique status of marriage.” It is clear that marriage, between one man and one woman, has been the foundation for the majority of our nation’s systems. Imagine how many other policies, our roots, will have to change if same-sex marriage is legalized.
- ACLU Asks Sonoma County to Comply with California Law on Sex Education ACLU (3 June, 2009) -Apparently it is now a bad health lesson if teachers emphasize abstinence. ACLU wants that lessons on contraception and effective use of condoms to be included in the curriculum in order for students to learn “healthy and responsible behavior.”