What we’re reading:
- Nebraska Lawmakers Pass Abortion Ultrasound Bill FoxNews (29 May, 2009) -Nebraska requires “those performing abortions to display ultrasound images of fetuses in a way that the women can easily view them.” Nebraska’s law is worded stronger than most other states’ laws that require ultrasounds to be offered in the abortion process.
- The March for Life in Ottawa Had Great Success Steve Jalsevac, LifeSiteNews (31 May, 2009) -Even after 40 years of legalized abortion in Canada, people still take a stand for the lives of the unborn.
- Robert A. Schuller, GodTube Co-Founder Team up; Reveal New Ministry Plans Eric Young, Christian Post (31 May, 2009) -Noticing the fall of family values in our television, Schuller hopes to create a “family-friendly network.”
- Richard Land Condemns the Killing of George Tiller The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (31 May, 2009) -“The murder of Dr. George Tiller is a human tragedy. Murdering someone is a grotesque and bizarre way to emphasize one’s commitment to the sanctity of human life. People who believe in the sanctity of human life believe in the sanctity of the lives of abortion providers and as well as the unborn babies who are aborted.”