The following is a guest post from a supporter of the Pennsylvania Family Institute:


My name is Nancy Benedict. I am a resident of Pennsylvania and the mother of five children. I am speaking out due to the recent sexism directed at Governor Palin. I am married to a wonderful man who has supported me as a soccer mom, a produce farmer, a school nurse and a real estate investor.

I have a direct ancestor, Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon, who marched in the 1913 Women’s Suffrage Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. In 1919, women won the constitutional right to vote, and in 1920 the amendment was finally ratified. Since then, many individuals over the last 88 years, both male and female, have passionately pursued the advancement of women’s rights. My cousin Mary was a lifelong Democrat, and though I do not share her political views, I believe she would be proud that I am speaking out on behalf of all American women. Through the efforts of Mary Elizabeth and many forward-thinking Americans, I have been empowered to be the person I aspire to be. But then, I haven’t tried to run for Vice President of the United States.

In this 2008 political season, the attacks against Senator Hillary Clinton and Governor Sarah Palin have been frankly astonishing. Gov. Palin has been disparaged for her clothes, her shoes, her lipstick, her family and her choices.  Even though she has been a mayor and is a sitting governor, she has been belittled and trivialized by the Democrat party establishment, the very people who disingenuously pride themselves in furthering the progression of women’s rights. Apparently, being a wife, a mother, and an attractive woman precludes one from being intellectually capable
of holding the second-highest office in our country. Really? Are they serious?

From ancient time to the present, women have governed, held great power and attained respect.  Think of, among many others, Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher. In the Bible, Deborah led the nation of Israel, and Esther saved her people from destruction. And the Proverbs 31 woman, who brought honor to her husband and whose children rose up and called her blessed, earned money to buy a field and was a small business owner.

So fellow women, it is time for courage. Regardless of your political affiliation, we need to honor our 19th amendment sisters and again leave our stamp on history. To the women of Pennsylvania and all fifty states, I implore you to stand against the degradation of women. Do it for your daughters, your nieces, your mothers, your sisters. Do it for yourself. Now is the time. Regardless of the outcome of this election, let it be remembered that you stood up for women. We’ve come a long way baby. Just not quite far enough.