Dangerous legislation may be the greatest threat to religious freedom and rights of conscience in memory.
The so-called “Fairness Act” – what is it?
Proposed in Pennsylvania is the so-called “Fairness Act” – which is anything but fair. Overview: Proposed “Fairness” Act undermines fairness, tolerance; threatens needed services
Take Action: Contact your State Senator & State Representative to oppose so-called “Fairness Act” – SB 613 and HB 1410.
- Email your State Senator & State Representative: tinyurl.com/standfortruefairness
- Handout: 1-Page Printable Action Alert
Stories – Why so-called “Fairness Act” is Unfair:
Wedding Industry
- Photographer – Is it fair to make violating your beliefs the cost of citizenship?
- Florist – Is it fair to threaten a woman’s life savings for declining a friend’s business?
- Baker – Is it fair to fine a family $135,000 for refusing to violate their conscience?
- Cake Baker – Is it fair to compare a Christian to a Nazi just for living out his beliefs on marriage?
- Rental Property – Is it fair to compel Christians to do something that violates their faith?
For-Profit Companies
- T-Shirt Designer – Is it fair for the government to compel someone to say something?
Public Service
- Fire Chief – Is it fair to fire someone for their beliefs on marriage?
Christian Schools
- Bathroom / Locker room facilities – Is is fair to force a school to open girls restrooms to male students?
- Faculty Hiring – Is it fair to make a Catholic school hire teachers that don’t follow Catholic teaching?
Printable Resources
Keep PA Fair: a three-page handout detailing the impact to religious freedom by this type of proposed legislation.
Memo to Pastors: Help your pastor to be aware of and to understand the issues surrounding the so-called “Fairness Act.”
Protecting Your Ministry: A legal guide for Churches, Christian Schools and Christian Ministries.