SB 340: Curriculum Transparency

Overview Resources

  • Federal standard
    Pennsylvania and Federal law requires schools to give parents the opportunity to review all instructional materials and have access to information about the curriculum, including academic standards to be achieved, teacher manuals, films, tapes, supplemental instructional materials, evaluations and assessment techniques. 20 U.S. Code §1232h 
  • State standard
    (d) School entities shall adopt policies to assure that parents or guardians have the following:
  • Access to information about the curriculum, including academic
    standards to be achieved, instructional materials and assessment
    • A process for the review of instructional materials.
    • The right to have their children excused from specific instruction that 
      conflicts with their religious beliefs, upon receipt by the school entity 
       of a written request from the parent or guardians.
    • The right to review a State assessment in the school entity during   
      convenient hours for parents and guardians, at least 2 weeks prior 
      to their administration, to determine whether a State assessment    
      conflicts with their religious belief. To protect the validity and
      integrity of the State assessments, each school entity shall have in
      place procedures to be followed when parents or guardians request
      to view any State assessment. Procedures must be consistent with
      guidance provided by the Department in its assessment
      administration instructions. . . . 22 Pa Code §4.4.