HB 2374: Deregulating Abortion Clinics
Overview Resources
- Democrats Introduce Bill to Curb Restrictions on Abortion Clinics
- Pennsylvania Capital Star news article
- Kermit Gosnell – The Catalyst
- A Brief History of Abortion In the U.S.
- Kermit Gosnell – The Catalyst for the Ambulatory Regulations
- How Are Abortions Performed? (WARNING – graphic imagery)
Big Concept Resources
- Deregulation Increases Abortions
- Abortion Clinic Regulations by State
- What is abortion?
- Evolution of Federal Standard
- Evolution of PA Standard
- Current Abortion Control Act
- Removes hurdles to receiving an abortion
- Lowers costs for abortion clinics
- Increases number of abortion clinics
- State lawmakers roll out legislation to facilitate safe abortion access.
- State lawmakers roll out legislation to facilitate safe abortion access.
- Overview of Regulations
- TRAP Laws
- Ambulatory Regulations Are Not Fitting for Abortion Clinics
- These Regulations are Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers (TRAP)
- Higher Maternal Mortality Rates Correlated With Greater Abortion Restrictions
- No More Gosnells
- Removal of Regulations Edangers Women & Surviving Children
- Removal of Regulations Correlated With Increased Number of Abortions/Abortion Facilities – This will always mean increased deaths
- The Ambulatory Regulations Make Sense For Abortion Facilities
- Section 551.21 – Criteria for ambulatory surgery, 28 Pa. Code § 551.21 |
- Ambulatory Surgery: How Same Day Surgery Is Different (verywellhealth.com)Casetext Search + Citator
- Surgical Abortion: Procedure, Recovery, What to Expect (healthline.com)
- Abortion: Which Type of Anesthesia? | Profemina
- What are an Ambulatory Surgical Facility’s Guidelines?