On Sunday, January 19, 2025, near the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, churches across the nation will recognize Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. While we rejoice in the overturning of Roe, this day reminds us to celebrate the priceless value of every life, made in the image of God. It also calls us to continue the work of building a Commonwealth where every life—born and unborn—is cherished and protected.
We are deeply grateful for the ways you faithfully serve your church and community. Our prayer is that these resources will equip and inspire you as you lead your congregation in honoring the sanctity of Human life and proclaiming God’s truth.
What Can You Do to Support Life?
The fight to protect and celebrate life continues, and there are meaningful ways for everyone to make a difference. Together, we can stand firm in our commitment to defend the most vulnerable among us while fostering a culture that embraces the objective truth of God’s Word.
Understanding and living out God’s objective truth is essential in these times. By teaching our children and equipping fellow believers in our churches with a firm foundation in Scripture, we nurture Christ followers who boldly stand for what is right and reject what is wrong in the eyes of God.
We encourage you to download the bulletin insert provided below and share it with your congregation, and leverage the power point slides provided to point your congregation to resources.
United, we can make a bold stand for the objective truth regarding life, and essential for the sharing of the gospel.
Click on the links below to access the corresponding PDFs and resources:
Power Point Slides:
Bulletin Insert:
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Videos from ProLifeDoc:
3 minute version
“Created in the Image of God”
7 minute version
“Treating God’s Preborn as Patients in the Womb”
11 minute version
“The Miracle of Abortion Pill Reversal”
Join us at this year’s Pennsylvania March for Life!
WHEN: Monday, September 22, 2025
WHERE: The Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg, PA
Details: https://marchforlife.org/pennsylvania/
Article: The need for a coherent biblical perspective on abortion
We encourage you to read and share this valuable op-ed article by our Director of Communications, Josue Sierra, that challenges us to develop a consistent, objective and biblical perspective on life – one that acknowledges both scientific truth and God’s Word about when life begins. This can help you and your congregation with how to think and speak about abortion in a Biblical manner. As Josue points out, “If we truly believe that life begins at conception and that abortion ends an innocent human life, then we must extend that truth to all women facing pregnancy decisions.” I pray this resource will help you lead your congregation with clarity and compassion on this critical issue.
➡️ Click here to read: The need for a coherent biblical perspective on abortion
Diapositivas de PowerPoint en Español:
Inserto para el Boletín del Servicio de la Iglesia:
Videos del Domingo de la Santidad de la Vida:
Versión de 3 minutos
“Creado a Imagen de Dios”
Versión de 7 minutos
“Tratando a los No Nacidos de Dios como Pacientes en el Vientre”
Versión de 11 minutos
“El Milagro de la Reversión de la Píldora Abortiva”
Artículo: La Importancia de una Perspectiva Bíblica Coherente sobre el Aborto
Le animamos a leer y compartir este valioso artículo escrito por nuestro Director de Comunicaciones, Josué Sierra, que nos desafía a desarrollar una perspectiva consistente, objetiva y bíblica sobre la vida – una que reconoce tanto la verdad científica como la Palabra de Dios sobre cuándo comienza la vida. Esto puede ayudarle a usted y a su congregación a pensar y hablar sobre el aborto de una manera bíblica. Como señala Josué, “Si verdaderamente creemos que la vida comienza en la concepción y que el aborto termina con una vida humana inocente, entonces debemos extender esta verdad a todas las mujeres que enfrentan decisiones sobre el embarazo.” Oro para que este recurso le ayude a guiar a su congregación con claridad y compasión en este tema crítico.
➡️ Haga click aquí: La Importancia de una Perspectiva Bíblica Coherente sobre el Aborto
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Thank you for providing fresh resources. These make this important day so much more effective.