We am extremely happy to announce our speaker for PA Family’s annual Friends of the Family Banquet!

On Saturday, October 22nd in Hershey, we are excited to announce that Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State under President Trump, will be our keynote speaker for our special dinner gathering with many friends of our pro-life, pro-family, pro-religious freedom work!

Secretary Pompeo has had such a distinguished career in public service. We are overjoyed that he will be joining us at our banquet this year and he will undoubtedly provide us all with a wealth of insight. 

Since the early 1990s (with one notable exception – 2020!) we have held our Friends of the Family banquet annually, featuring great speakers and an inspiring, hope-filled program. Each and every year, this event proves to be truly encouraging to those that attend. But even more, it helps build support for the Pennsylvania Family Institute and our work on behalf of life, marriage and family and religious liberty. It’s a great opportunity to share and advance our vision: a Pennsylvania where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished.

We would love for you to join us, and to consider sponsoring a table for this exciting event. Some sponsorship levels include a private reception with Mr. Pompeo, and your sponsorship helps generously support the work of the Pennsylvania Family Institute. We expect this event will be a sell-out.

We very much hope you will join us on October 22nd in Hershey. For sponsorship information please visit pafamily.org/banquet or contact Ruth Wilson at rwilson@pafamily.org or 717-545-0600 ext 103.