On Wednesday, December 1st, the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization case will be heard before the US Supreme Court, dealing with the abortion industry’s challenge to Mississippi’s 15-week abortion limit, which could potentially overturn the destructive Roe v. Wade abortion decision. 

We are sponsoring a free bus trip from Lancaster down to Washington, D.C. on December 1st to go before the U.S. Supreme Court while the Dobbs case is being argued to attend the rally and a briefing on the most monumental pro-life case that could overturn Roe v Wade. Lunch provided. Click here for more information!

Wednesday, December 1st
Free Charter Bus with PA Family Staff
Lancaster Shopping Center, 1625 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, Pa.
Bus Leaves: 5:00 a.m.  Bus Returns: 5:00 p.m. 

Space is limited.

Listen here as Michael Geer speaks with Greg Barton of Spotlight on WDAC-FM 94.5, and reflects on 2020 and looks ahead to 2022, in addition to highlighting this exciting bus trip.