11am Rally at the Front Steps of the PA State Capitol followed by the March
(Harrisburg, PA) This fall, on Monday, September 27 — the first day back in session for the PA House of Representatives — pro-life Pennsylvanians from across the Commonwealth will gather together at the State Capitol in Harrisburg for the first-ever Pennsylvania March for Life.
“We’re excited to unite with families and individuals from communities throughout Pennsylvania for an outstanding display of pro-life support at our State Capitol,” comments Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute. “This is a timely opportunity to unite, educate and mobilize pro-life Pennsylvanians to influence the public square and to send a strong message of support for protecting all innocent human life from conception to natural death.”
Pennsylvania Family Institute, in partnership with the March for Life Education & Defense Fund, plans to hold a rally on Monday, September 27th, 2021 at the front steps of the PA State Capitol starting at 11am followed by a march around the Capitol building at 12 noon. Together with like-minded organizations, ministries, churches and individuals across Pennsylvania, this first-ever Pennsylvania March for Life will send an important message to our elected officials in Harrisburg and beyond that unborn life must be protected.
“We are honored to partner with a leading pro-life organization in the state, Pennsylvania Family Institute, to help inaugurate the first ever Pennsylvania March for Life. The march gives pro-life Pennsylvanians an opportunity to shape local policies by encouraging state legislators to respect the rights of the unborn,” said Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life Defense and Education Fund. “Every human life should be welcomed and deserves legal protection.”
Every January, thousands in Pennsylvania travel to Washington D.C. to attend the annual March for Life. However, many are unable to attend due to the distance to travel, the winter season, and other circumstances. Now, the March for Life offers another opportunity to show public support for the sanctity of human life – closer to home and at a warmer time of the year. It’s also an opportunity to bring this strong public display for protecting life to the State Capitol in Harrisburg, where our state’s public policy on abortion is debated and passed. The Pennsylvania March For Life will be an opportunity to draw special attention to the unique and specific ways we can advocate for life in our Commonwealth. It will also strengthen our collective influence for defending and protecting unborn life in Pennsylvania.
The March for Life has become the largest and longest-running annual demonstration in human history. Since the January 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton U.S. Supreme Court decisions that imposed abortion on all 50 states, the March for Life has gathered millions of people together in the public square, equipping them to be effective witnesses for life.
“I know many are already excited to be a part of this historic event for Pennsylvania and we look forward to welcoming everyone in-person on September 27,” added Geer.
For more information, visit PaMarchForLife.org.
what is the agenda for 9/27/21
I am looking for a bus leaving from Lawrence County
Here is where you can find a bus heading to the march: https://pafamily.org/2021/08/pamarchbuslist/
Please forward more information about transportation.
Here is where you can find a list of buses heading to the march: https://pafamily.org/2021/08/pamarchbuslist/.