State House Health Committee to examine Pitt’s human fetal experimentation practices at public hearing this Tuesday.
(HARRISBURG, PA) A shocking new video — released one day before a legislative hearing by the PA House Health Committee on fetal experimentation — reveals the disturbing details of research on aborted babies happening at the University of Pittsburgh that are funded with taxpayer dollars.
The video, released by the Center for Medical Progress and available to view at, highlights “just three of the most recent horrifying examples of government sponsored fetal experimentation at Pitt.”
(CAUTION: Video contains graphic images)
Last year, Pitt student researchers published details on experiments where scalps and “full thickness human skin” from aborted babies (18-20 weeks gestation) were grafted onto lab rats. Pictures show human hair – from these aborted babies – being grown on the backs of these rodents. Additionally, lymphoid tissue, livers and spleens from the same aborted babies were co-engrafted into the same rodent models.
This inhumane research at Pitt is not an isolated incident. Pitt scientists have also harvested livers from fetuses delivered whole via labor induction. Pitt has also been involved in the trading and distribution of hundreds of fetal kidneys and other organs from aborted babies. Both of these practices are highlighted in the new video.
On Tuesday, May 4th, the PA House Health Committee held a hearing to discuss fetal experimentation. David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress whose undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby parts, testified along with Dr. Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist, giving an inside look into the abortion industry from her firsthand experience.
An open letter at is calling for an end to these awful experiments on aborted babies. “We, the undersigned, call on the University of Pittsburgh to stop all experimentation on aborted babies and the inhumane practice of grafting their skin and body parts onto rodents,” states the letter.
Pennsylvania Family Institute is the state’s leading pro-life, pro-family organization; encouraging responsible citizenship and engagement to see Pennsylvania as a place where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished.
Click here for the livestream of the hearing on fetal experimentation, starting Tuesday, May 4th at 8:30am.
What the doctors did was murder to test reactions on these tiny humans and keep at it until they died!!!! End this outright harvesting fetal parts for their financial benefit!!!!
I agree wholeheartedly!
Aborted babies supplied by plan parenthood , and funded by Anthony Fauci. It’s a disgrace 😢
Pure evil! Where is human morals? These people will answer one day and Fauci is a monster and our leaders too!
Aborted babies supplied by planned parenthood and funded by Anthony Fauci
This is barbaric at the most extreme level. In fact, I don’t even think there is a word in our language that even describes how horrible this truly is. God- pour out your wrath, it’s the only way to stop this insanity.
DAMNED « Drs. » I struggle naming this, sick and TIRED of seeing HEINOUS CRIMES LIKE THIS GO UNPUNISHED! Specially when the victims can’t even talk and/or defenseless. Who will demand justice for ALL OF THEM? Who will pay for all of this BUTCHER-HOUSE circus? WHO?
This is horrendous!🙏❤️👶
So very sad! 😢
How are we as a professed civilized society any better than German Josef Mengele, the angel of deathWe allow fetal tissue and organ harvesting for the sole purpose of experimentation! Then we have democratic politicians defending the practice. God help us!!
Exactly!! I am horrified by this injustice!
Well said, David. This video is totally disgusting. These people have zero shame. The world is learning more and more about Fauci.
Totally agree! This country has truly lost the moral compass our Founding Fathers built this country on!(
Thank you for making us aware of this nazi experimentation on human babie!
God will judge America for this diabolical practice.
This is barbaric to say the least. There needs to be full and thorough inquiry whether funds were allocated from the NIAID through Anthony Fauci for the “research”. Questions should be asked and officials, including Fauci, should be made to answer.
I’m in the process of writing my monthly newsletter for the Knights of Columbus. It will be centered around this horrific story. This is torture, ending in death. A 20 week unborn baby feels pain. Follow the science Fauci; you are always telling everone else to do it.
Apparently Dr Fauci helped fun this through taxpayer govt funded agency.
This is the same road the Nazis went down!! Evil in its darkest form, calling Good evil and evil good!!! Stand against this descending fall into total darkness!!!
To put a dignified and professional spin on trying to make this horrific practice seem legitimate and good is truly sickening.
Horrendous acts. These were precious God given babies. NO MORE TESTING this way !
Terrible disgrace!!
Literally turns my stomach! I truly can’t comprehend how any human being can do such horrendous things to another (tiny, defenseless) human being….supposedly in the name of science! They will have to answer to God Almighty for their actions!
As a University of Pittsburgh graduate of the 1970’s I am thoroughly disgusted.
I am ashamed to call this baby murdering he’ll hole my alma mater.