Stop elective abortions in Pennsylvania as we focus on the coronavirus pandemic.

To citizens across Pennsylvania,

On March 26, 2020, Governor Tom Wolf sounded an alarm to all Pennsylvanians regarding the COVID-19 pandemic: “We know our hospitals will face capacity issues. We need more beds. We need more ventilators. More personal protective equipment. And so much more. And we need it as soon as possible because the virus is here.” 

So why is Governor Wolf allowing Planned Parenthood to perform elective abortions? In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Wolf prohibited all health providers from performing elective procedures. “We’re asking hospitals not to engage in elective surgeries, elective treatments,” says Gov. Wolf.  Yet abortion is being given a free pass. Right now, not only is Planned Parenthood bringing patients in for elective abortions, risking the further spread of COVID-19 and further strain on our health care system, but they are actively recruiting private donations of personal protective equipment to perform those elective abortions – the very equipment our hospitals desperately need.

This is unacceptable. This worldwide pandemic demands we dismiss political agendas. As Governor Wolf has said, “we need to do everything we can to support our front-line medical workers.” That should mean abortion shouldn’t get special treatment as we halt all elective procedures.

Please join Pennsylvania Family Institute in signing this open letter to Governor Wolf asking to stop all elective abortions in Pennsylvania so we can best prepare for the COVID-19 pandemic here in our communities. You can also access this open letter at

Thank you for signing this open letter. Please pray for Governor Wolf and all of our elected officials who are working tirelessly for our health and welfare.


Michael Geer
President & CEO
Pennsylvania Family Institute