Pass the Down Syndrome Protection Act
Every Sunday & Monday in the month of September
We have an opportunity to help an entire class of people here in Pennsylvania from being targeted and eliminated from our community solely because they have a disability.
Today, the sad truth is the majority of unborn babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted here in Pennsylvania. With many medical professionals pressuring families to have an abortion and prenatal testing for Down syndrome steadily increasing, many of these unborn children continue to be selectively targeted for extinction. A diagnosis of Down syndrome should never be a reason to terminate a child. Down syndrome is a life worth living.
Pennsylvania’s State Senate can choose to vote on the Down Syndrome Protection Act, House Bill 2050 (HB 2050), which would ban an abortion solely on the basis of a diagnosis of Down Syndrome. This bill already has passed the PA House with a 71% bipartisan majority, which would be enough to override any veto by Governor Tom Wolf.
We only have a short window of time if this is going to happen in 2018. The State Senate will be back in Harrisburg for a handful of days to complete this current two-year legislative session, starting September 24. Without a vote this session, the process will have to start back at the beginning next year and Pennsylvania will continue to see the majority of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome aborted.
Many have offered their support for this effort, including Joni Eareckson Tada:
“Joni and Friends/Pennsylvania stands firmly in support of the Down Syndrome Protection Act (HB 2050). If passed, this historic measure will ensure the inclusion of children with Down syndrome, helping them to experience significant new protections…Please work toward the passage of the Down Syndrome Protection Act, as it will safeguard the lives of untold numbers of children with this particular disability. We want a society which safeguards its most vulnerable populations; a society that truly cares about those who are weak.”
Pray on Sunday, Call on Monday.
We are launching a prayer and action initiative over the month of September to help advance this legislation forward.
Pray on Sunday – Take opportunities to address in prayer and discussion the Down Syndrome Protection Act with your church family. Pray for God to move in protecting those diagnosed with Down syndrome here in Pennsylvania and across this nation. For more about the Down Syndrome Protection Act, go to
Call on Monday – Since the Down Syndrome Protection Act must be voted on by your State Senator in this short window of remaining session days, we urge you to call your State Senator on Monday. Please ask your State Senator to do all they can to pass the Down Syndrome Protection Act this year. If you do not have contact information, call the PA Family Council at 717-545-0600 and members of their staff will be happy to find it for you.
If the Down Syndrome Protection Act is not voted on by the State Senate by the end of this Fall’s short session, we will be forced to have to start from the beginning in 2019. This is a much-needed opportunity to show faith in action. Please pray. Please call. Thank you for participating.
- List of Phone Numbers – PA State Senate District Office
- Handout: Pray on Sunday, Call on Monday.
- Bulletin Insert – Pray on Sunday, Call on Monday.
Sample announcement: Urgent news from Harrisburg: the State Senate will be back in session on September 24th for just a handful of days and we need a passing vote on the Down Syndrome Protection Act (House Bill 2050), which would ban an abortion solely on the basis of a diagnosis of Down syndrome. This has already passed the PA House with a 71% bipartisan majority and now must await action by the PA Senate. Without this law, Pennsylvania will continue to see the majority of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome selectively targeted for abortion. With many medical professionals pressuring families to have an abortion and prenatal testing for Down syndrome steadily increasing, these unborn children face extinction by abortion simply because they were diagnosed with Down syndrome. Join us in the “Pray on Sunday, Call on Monday” initiative in support of the Down Syndrome Protection Act. For more information, go to
- Video – Pass the Down Syndrome Protection Act.
If our state will seek to allow Down syndrome babies to be aborted for convenience sake it will be the beginning of the slippery slope to abortion and euthenasia for many other capricious reasons. We must not allow this to happen.
A life is to be cherished. I do not believe in abortion.