Pennsylvania Family Council would like to clarify the facts surrounding its decision to postpone its gubernatorial candidate forum, co-sponsored by Pennsylvania Family Council, Lancaster Bible College and radio stations WDAC and WBYN – to be moderated by Dr. Frank Luntz.
“Together for Pennsylvania” was scheduled for February 11, 2018 but was postponed when it was determined that Sen. Scott Wagner could not participate because of a scheduling conflict. Neither he nor his campaign had at any time committed to participating, only that the invitation was under consideration.
Here are the details:
After confirming sponsorships, Dr. Luntz as the moderator and a location for the February 11th forum, by early January we invited the four (at that time) campaigns to participate. We did subsequently receive confirmations from three campaigns (Ellsworth, Turzai and Mango), but did not hear definitively (either way) from the Wagner campaign about his participation until January 29th, when we were informed that he had a schedule conflict and would not be participating. At no time did the Wagner campaign or Sen. Wagner confirm participation in our forum.
We have sought to find and confirm a suitable date to reschedule but thus far to no avail.
Because we had not secured all the candidates for the Forum, but had a date, venue and such an excellent moderator confirmed for the event, we began promotion in mid-January with very high hopes, but did not ever state in our promotion that all the candidates were confirmed. We regret that it has been a source of confusion.
The Pennsylvania Family Council has a responsibility to provide accurate, insightful information about the candidate, and is committed to treating every candidate fairly and with the respect they deserve. We hope our audience will have the opportunity to meet and hear from all the candidates at our Forum sometime before the May 15th primary.