Senate committee passes bathroom bills – first votes to take place on the “Bathroom Bill” legislation.

Today, the Urban Affairs & Housing Committee passed two of the three bathroom bills by a 7-4 vote.

Roll Call - SB1307


SB1307 was brought up for a vote, which would open sex-specific facilities to those of the opposite biological sex in the following areas:

  1. College dormitories
  2. Boarding schools
  3. Boys and girls cabins at summer camps
  4. Women’s shelters
  5. Homeless shelters
  6. Retirement communities

During the meeting, an amendment was added to put SB1306 into the bill as well. SB1306 would require all PA employers to permit a biological man who identifies as a woman to use women-only bathrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities in the workplace. That means it would also make it illegal for religious schools, church and other religious organizations to only hire employees that agree with the religious organization’s teaching on sexuality, marriage and gender.

Even more alarming, a vote on an amendment to provide religious freedom protections was defeated.

This bill now heads to Senate Appropriations for consideration and there are many hurdles it would have to pass before becoming law, but this initial vote should send an alarm to everyone who wants to protect personal privacy rights and religious freedom.

If we do not have the courage now to show our elected officials the need to protect these rights, we face a harsh reality should these bills become law. That’s why the Defend My Privacy rally is happening this Monday, June 27 – to show the members of Pennsylvania’s General Assembly in our Capitol that we stand for tolerance, freedom and privacy rights. Click here for more rally info and to let us know you’re attending.

Make sure to call/email/visit your State Senator in opposition to the Bathroom Bill package (SB1306, SB1307, SB1316), as well as your State Representative to oppose HB1510. And we will see you Monday @12:30pm at the rally.

Rally 6.27.16