Will and his one-day-old photo


This story has been updated with the current state legislation.

Dear Pennsylvania legislators and citizens of Pennsylvania,

This is Will. He is 12 years old and lives in Western PA. He enjoys playing baseball and video games. He is currently in 5th Grade and is a straight A student. He is the oldest of our three children.

The picture he is holding is of himself at just one day old with my wedding ring around his arm. He was born at 24 weeks, weighing 1 lb, 11 oz and measuring at 12 1/2” long. He was in and out of the hospital for four months, with his initial stay being just over 15 weeks.

Will at one-day-old

Will, just one day old and weighing just over 1lb.


He had six surgeries in the first year of his life. Despite all of these obstacles, he has thrived.

In PA, babies at the age of Will’s birth are able to be aborted even though they can survive outside the womb. So many advancements in technology have been made since the writing of current Pennsylvania abortion laws, and even in the 12 years since Will was born! We can now even perform surgeries on unborn children.

Current law also allows for dismemberment abortions which tear the limbs off of the unborn baby, even at Will’s age when he was born. This practice must stop.  Late term abortion is unnecessary.  Please support SB3 & HB77.


Jason and Tammy Dreistadt – Trafford, PA

Help save babies like Will – tell your State Representative to support SB3 & HB77: tinyurl.com/YESonSB3

If you have a story like Will’s to tell, contact Dan at dbart@pafamily.org