The largest abortion business in the country – Planned Parenthood – has recently shut down two Pennsylvania clinics, bringing their total to SIX state closings since 2013.
The Elizabeth Blackwell Center on 1211 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia has been shut down and moved into their Locust Street facility, marking the first Planned Parenthood closure in Philadelphia in recent years. The Planned Parenthood in Red Lion (York County) is also now permanently closed.
These two locations join closings in Carlisle (June 2013), Collegeville (October 2013), Hanover (June 2014) and St. Davids (September 2015) to make six total state shutdowns for Planned Parenthood in under three years.
Since 2012, there have been a total of TWELVE abortion clinics to close their doors in Pennsylvania. Five abortion surgical sites closed as a direct result of new state policy that improved health and safety standards for abortion facilities. Three closed voluntarily (UPMC Magee, Allegheny Women’s Center – Pittsburgh and University of Pittsburgh Physicians). Two were forced to close by the state, both associated with the infamous Steven Brigham (Allentown Medical Services and American Women’s Services).
In addition, the Integrity Family Health in Philadelphia – another attempt by Brigham to run an abortion clinic – was ordered to close in November 2013.
Planned Parenthood is still the largest abortion business in Pennsylvania; continuing to account for over half of all state abortions. And they continue to receive millions in state and federal funding.
The Whole Women’s Health Funding Priorities Act (HB 1623) would prioritize funding to more qualified health centers and away from Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania. Contact PA State Senators and Representatives today in support of HB 1623.