PFI_SanctitySundays_CelebrateLife_395x395Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is January 17, 2016 – an opportunity, as President Ronald Reagan declared, to “call upon the citizens of this blessed land to gather on that day in homes and places of worship to give thanks for the gift of life, and to reaffirm our commitment to the dignity of every human being and the sanctity of each human life.”

Here are some things your church can do to give thanks and reaffirm our commitment to life:

1. Make an announcement and pray during your church service on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

  • Read what President Ronald Reagan proclaimed for the first National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: click here for the text.

2. Share with others leading up to Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

  • Please share and encourage others to promote the call to protect life on Facebook, Twitter and other outlets.

Sanctity of Life Sunday 2016 on Facebook

3. Encourage folks to attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on Friday, January 22.

  • To find a bus near you that’s leaving for the March, click here.