Petitions to the Capitol

Petitions ready for delivery today.

Today, stacks of petitions bearing the signatures of thousands of Pennsylvanians are being delivered to State Senators and State Representatives in the Capitol, calling upon both an investigation and defunding of Planned Parenthood.

In light of the recent revelations of unethical and possibly illegal activity, citizens across Pennsylvania are calling for an end to taxpayer funding being sent to this controversial abortion business. (Sign and send the petition today!)

Last year alone, Planned Parenthood was given over $5 million in taxpayer funding. Why should this funding continue?

  • Planned Parenthood already makes a ton of money.

Their revenue in PA was over $35 million last year – up nearly $4 million since 2011.

Why are we giving millions of taxpayer dollars to a controversial organization that already makes millions?

  • Planned Parenthood is seeing fewer people use their facilities.

Down 15,681 – that’s the difference in the number of people who used a PA Planned Parenthood in 2014 compared to 2013 (dropped 13%).

  • Planned Parenthood is performing less cancer screenings.

Comparing totals from 2013 to 2014, Planned Parenthood Keystone and Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania (two of the three largest regions in PA) had pap tests drop 32%. The third region, Planned Parenthood Western Pennsylvania, had breast exams drop 18%.

If we want to fight cancer in Pennsylvania, why are we giving millions of taxpayer dollars to an organization reducing their number of cancer screenings?

  • Planned Parenthood continues to be the largest abortion business.

Planned Parenthood kills around 17,000 babies every year – up 1,000 annually since 2008. They’ve actually increased abortions at a time when statewide abortions are down over 6,600 annually since 2008.

Should taxpayer dollars really be given to the state’s largest abortion business?

Planned Parenthood is a private, multi-million dollar enterprise whose cancer prevention services are down while their abortion business is growing and have ties to facilities selling aborted baby parts for profit. They do not deserve taxpayer funding.

Sign the petition & tell your elected officials – it’s time to investigate and defund Planned Parenthood