Planned Parenthood would like you to think women will have a hard time finding health services like mammograms in places like York, PA if their abortion business is defunded. They recently held a small rally at their York facility – of which Fox43 covered and included an interview with Pa Family Council’s Emily Kreps (see below).

Sari Stevens, executive director of Planned Parenthood PA, says government funding is not used for their abortion business but are used for services like mammograms, cancer screenings, and birth control for low income women.

So for the York community, how would those services be impacted if the state and federal government decided to stop funding Planned Parenthood?

For starters, in Pennsylvania alone, Planned Parenthood reported $35.8 million in yearly revenue; so they’re not going away simply if the government decides to end a portion of their overall revenue.

For argument’s sake let’s just say that, were Planned Parenthood defunded, they decide to close their York facility. What would women do?

  • Planned Parenthood York has limited hours: If it’s the weekend, women would do what they normally do – York Planned Parenthood is already closed on weekends. And on Wednesdays they only offer their abortion services.
  • Planned Parenthood York has never performed a single mammogram: Any York woman needing a mammogram already goes someplace other than Planned Parenthood. There is not a single Planned Parenthood clinic in Pennsylvania (or across the nation) that provide mammogram.
  • Cancer screenings: Breast and cervical cancer screenings would not disappear by defunding Planned Parenthood. The PA Healthy Woman Program, a free early cancer detection program from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, funds specific locations across the state. In York, the one funded location is York Hospital.
    • Speaking of York Hospital, it is 6/10th of a mile from Planned Parenthood. York Hospital offers women primary care physicians, Obstetricians & gynecologists, Certified-nurse midwives, Breastfeeding consultants, Specialists in maternal-fetal medicine and neonatology, Reproductive endocrinologists, Urogynecologists and Gynecologic oncologists. Now that’s a comprehensive list compared to anything from Planned Parenthood.
  • Birth Control: Two York locations – Family First Health George St. Center and the York Community Health Center – provide family planning services as part of the regional Family Planning Council (which receives state aid).
  • Options for low income families – There are already a number of free or low-income health clinics in York – some within a mile of the Planned Parenthood facility (such as the Family First East Side Health Center or the York Community Health Center).

Thanks to your support, there are people like Emily Kreps of the Pennsylvania Family Institute around to share the facts about women’s health care in Pennsylvania. Check out her interview by Fox43 here:

Bottom line: The largest abortion business – Planned Parenthood – does not need our taxdollars, and families in the city of York do not need Planned Parenthood to have health care available. Planned Parenthood provides only limited services compared to other government-funded health centers, and, as the recent videos show, involved in selling the body parts of aborted babies. Our taxdollars can be better served at other state funded health centers.

And as this map shows, Pennsylvania doesn’t need Planned Parenthood to provide women’s healthcare:

Health Center Map of PA