Q: When is the decision from the U.S. Supreme Court expected on the marriage case?

A: The decision is expected at the end of this month. The last calendar day for the court is Tuesday June 29th – but the court may add court days after that.

Q: What is the court ruling on?

A: There are two questions the court is considering:

1. “In-State Licensing” – Does the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution require states to license same-sex marriages?

2. “Out-of-State Recognition” – Does the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution require states to recognize marriages performed in other states?

Q: What should we hope for?

A: Our prayer is that the Supreme Court will make a good ruling by not redefining marriage policy. They should respect the constitutional authority of every citizen and our elect representatives to continue the democratic process on marriage policy.

Q: What happens if it’s a bad ruling?

A: We would continue the debate about marriage and the protection of individual’s conscience rights who want to live consistent with their beliefs. A bad ruling doesn’t change the fact that 50 million Americans voted in 30 states in support of an amendment to their State Constitution defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Q: What can I be doing leading up to the decision?

A: Please pray & talk with family, friends and your church about marriage. Whatever the court decides, the debate on the definition of marriage will continue.

Pray by name for each U.S. Supreme Court Justice regarding their important decision:

1) Chief Justice John G. Roberts

2) Justice Antonin Scalia

3) Justice Anthony M. Kennedy

4) Justice Clarence Thomas

5) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

6) Justice Stephen G. Breyer

7) Justice Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr.

8) Justice Sonia Sotomayor

9) Justice Elena Kagan

Q: What are good resources I can learn from and share with my friends and family?

A: For starters, PFI President Michael Geer recently wrote an op-ed in the Lancaster Sunday News:

“My perspective on marriage, like our nation’s intellectual heritage, is both Christian and secular. It is based both in faith and reason — faith informed by reason, and reason informed by faith.”

Also, here’s Ryan Anderson’s 3 Things You Need To Know About Marriage and the Supreme Court:

In summary:

1) Whatever people may think about marriage as a policy matter, everyone should be able to recognize the U.S. Constitution does not settle this question. Unelected judges shouldn’t insert their own policy preferences about marriage and then say the Constitution requires them everywhere.

2) The government is not in the marriage business because it’s a sucker for adult romance. No, marriage isn’t just a private affair; marriage is a matter of public policy because marriage is society’s best way to ensure the well-being of children. State recognition of marriage protects children by encouraging men and women to commit to each other—and to take responsibility for their children.

3) Whatever the Court rules about marriage, the government should not discriminate against any citizen, charity, school, business or any other institution of civil society that continues to believe that marriage is the union of husband and wife.

And also Pastor Kevin DeYoung writing for The Gospel CoalitionWhy Not Gay Marriage? (April 2015):

“Kids do better with a mom and a dad. Communities do better when husbands and wives stay together.”