Life Action Day – bringing a thoughtful, fact-based discussion about ways to reduce abortion and provide a realistic pathway to parenting for women in real need.
Five Action Items for Life Action Day:
1) Rally in the Rotunda: 11:30am
Follow updates on our website, on Facebook (PAFamily) or on Twitter (@PFIpolicy).
2) View the launch of our innovative online resource – Abortion is Personal: – A resource for Pennsylvanians committed to understanding the true impact of abortion on women, their families and their communities.
3) Read the just-released “State of Abortion in Pennsylvania” report:
A new report is now available analyzing abortion in Pennsylvania and includes abortion facilities’ quarterly reports that have never been provided online. The report also looks deeper into the largest abortion business in Pennsylvania – Planned Parenthood.
To view the report – entitled “The State of Abortion in Pennsylvania: Historic Trends, ‘House of Horrors’ and Record Highs in Spending – go to
4) Join the #LifeActionDay Tweetfest:
Join us on social media by posting pro-life truths using Planned Parenthood’s lobbying day hashtag (#PPActionPA); same day as our first-ever Life Action Day (#LifeActionDay). Sample messages and memes available at
5) Contact your State Senator and State Representative:
Tell them Pennsylvania tax dollars can better serve our communities by not being provided to Planned Parenthood or any other abortion business. There are other qualified health centers in Pennsylvania that provide proper care for women, and that are not motivated by the business of abortion. Stop subsidizing abortion. Stop paying Planned Parenthood.