At the center of our work here at the Pennsylvania Family Institute is a profound respect for and motivation to protect and advance the sanctity of life. You see this in the results of our efforts:

PFI – Advancing life through public policy:

  • Through coordinating expert testimony and advocacy, we played a key role in bringing important abortion clinic regulations to Pennsylvania in the wake of the Kermit Gosnell scandal. Our involvement was highlighted in one of Focus on the Family’s Citizen Magazine articles – click here to read.
  • We stood at the official signing of the law that’s ensuring your tax dollars are not used to fund abortions through state Obamacare exchanges. The prime sponsor of the bill – Rep. Donna Oberlander – had this to say about our efforts: “Thank you for all you did to help make the final passage of HB 818 a reality. Your support, quick response on the issue, and the ground swell of grassroots support helped get it across the finish line. Thanks for all you do to preserve babies in this Commonwealth.”

PFI – Advancing life through the court system:

  • A 14-year-old girl was pregnant and her mother and stepfather were forcing her to have an abortion. She wanted to keep the baby and was able to contact our legal team for help. With an abortion scheduled the very next day at Planned Parenthood, our chief counsel Randall Wenger worked through the night and the next morning to help, through court order, put a stop on the abortion plan. The teenage girl later gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
  • We were part of the legal team representing the Hahn family in their U.S. Supreme Court victorious suit in the Conestoga Wood Specialties/Hobby Lobby case; granting an exemption from the federal mandate under Obamacare from being forced to provide abortion-causing drugs to employees.

PFI – Advancing life through the media:

  • We followed the Gosnell trial by providing the most complete court summary available. Our team wrote op-eds columns for many newspapers, appeared on talk shows and gave many television and radio interviews (even having our work appear on British and Canadian news!). One producer told us: “We couldn’t have done this without your help.”
  • We successfully hijacked Planned Parenthood’s social media efforts during their lobby day in Harrisburg; turning half of their “tweets” pro-life.

Pennsylvania Family Institute has a 25-year record of success in helping lead in protecting the sanctity of life in Pennsylvania.

It’s why we are taking leadership in making pro-life voices heard in Harrisburg and in the media through our Life Action Day on April 13. We also will unveil a report on the state of abortion in Pennsylvania – with exclusive facts and figures on not only abortion in our state but on the largest abortion business in Pennsylvania – Planned Parenthood.

Help support us in leading the charge for life in Pennsylvania:

  1. Attend Life Action Day on April 13 – or help make it happen. For details:
  2. If you’re not already, join thousands of others receiving our email updates that periodically alert you about important policy updates and cultural commentary from a pro-life, pro-family perspective.
  3. We’re able to accomplish these results in large part due to the financial support of individuals and families from across Pennsylvania. Please consider joining our financial support team – you may make a secure online donation by clicking here.
  4. Remember the work of PFI in your prayers. Specifically, we appreciate your prayers for April 13 and that the message of Life Action Day will be a powerful one.