Sunday, January 11 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Some state lawmakers are looking to do something about this problem this year and help save victims from being trafficked right here in Pennsylvania.
In 2013, the state report card on Human Trafficking from Shared Hope International gave an “F” to Pennsylvania. In 2014, some improvements were made and we were bumped up to a “C” grade.
Pennsylvania shouldn’t be average when it comes to protecting the victims of human trafficking. Pennsylvania is a “pass through” state as well as a destination location for human trafficking. And there’s much more that can be done in our state to combat this evil.
PA State Representative Matthew Baker (R-Tioga) is soon introducing legislation that seeks to help human trafficking victims that are forced into various forms of exploitation such as stripping.
- Did you know a convicted sex trafficker can run a strip club in PA – a “haven” for being forced into sex trafficking? This proposed bill would prevent adult-oriented businesses from being run by or employing those involved with sex trafficking, prostitution or the exploitation of children.
- It would also provide victims with a better mechanism for bringing a claim against an adult business where they were victimized.
Rep. Baker is currently requesting co-sponsorships from other PA State Representatives. Click here to contact your state representative today and request their support of Rep. Baker’s anti-trafficking bill by being a co-sponsor.
For the full memo released about this legislation, click here.
For more, learn more about what one group based in Pennsylvania is doing – the North Star Initiative: