Note: – the most comprehensive Pennsylvania statewide Voters Guide – is in the final approval stages and will be made available soon.

Looking for comments or sources from your printed Voters’ Guide? Read the candidates’ comments and our sources for some of the answers in our guide.

What you need to get ready for November

Elections matter. We elect officials that have a tremendous impact on the future of Pennsylvania families.

This year PA State Rep. Rick Saccone led the effort to pass a House resolution encouraging the “In God We Trust” motto to be displayed in schools across Pennsylvania. And it was by only 112 votes that he won his most recent election (0.38% of the vote).

PA State Rep. Donna Oberlander was the lead sponsor of HB 818 – a bill that made sure your tax dollars in Obamacare are not funding abortion. She won her 2008 primary by a mere 84 votes.

Voting and making an informed vote are instrumental to strengthening PA families. That’s why we at the Pennsylvania Family Council want to help – as we have for Pennsylvania families over the last 25 years.

First – in order to vote, you must be registered to vote. The voter registration deadline is October 6th. Right now there are over 200,000 fewer registered voters in Pennsylvania than there were at the last mid-term election.

Representatives Saccone and Oberlander were elected by a margin smaller than the average attendance of one PA church. Your church family can make a difference this election. Help make this happen by running a Registration Drive. More helpful registration information.

We have the official registration form available both for print on our website or by mail from our Harrisburg office. We have a timeline of key dates to follow as well as guidelines and a letter for pastors to help with frequent questions that come up – such as if a church can host a Voter Registration drive (hint: the answer is YES!).

Once registered, it’s important not only to vote but to make an informed vote. That’s where our Voters’ Guide comes in – a resources we’ve produced every election since 1991. It’s a non-partisan, church-friendly guide providing answers directly from candidates on important issues.

We love bulk orders of our printed guide. You can pre-order today so that we’ll ship them to you as soon as they’re launched (around the first week of October). Pre-order online.

And finally – a new effort this year is taking a Voters’ guide to the next level. On top of our non-partisan, church-friendly Voters’ Guide, we are embarking on Pennsylvania’s most comprehensive statewide guide yet. We’re in the final stretch in making this possible and once ready, we’ll unveil all it will have to offer – including personalized information on endorsements and campaign information for each of your candidates.

PFC is here to help make Pennsylvania families stronger. Elections matter because they impact the strength of our families. So please help us by taking part in Voter Registration Weekend September 27-28 and by making an informed decision come November using our Voters’ Guide.