Governor Tom Corbett’s sudden and surprising announcement that he now backs special protections for sexual orientation and gender identity contradicts his campaign promises to oppose such legislation. Not only is he going against his commitment to those who elected him, he is supporting public policy that will have serious negative implications for rights of conscience and religious freedom.

Laws similar to HB/SB 300 in other jurisdictions have been used to force citizens with legitimate conscientious objections to use their skills and talents to promote a message with which they disagree. Wedding photographers, florists, bakers and T-shirt makers have been investigated, fined and put out of business simply for choosing not to promote a message or action with which they disagree.

Just as nearly all Americans agree that no pastor or member of the clergy should be forced by law to perform a same-sex commitment ceremony or wedding, no photographer, catering facility, or any citizen should be forced by law to participate in such an event either. But HB/SB 300 would compel exactly that.

Gender Identity laws like HB/SB 300 have been used in other jurisdictions to force open restrooms, locker rooms and dressing rooms to persons of the opposite sex, and to penalize those who object.

The Pennsylvania Family Council calls on the members of the legislature to continue their opposition to HB and SB 300, and respectfully requests that Gov. Corbett review the issue and return to his campaign commitment.

Take Action!

We need to call Gov. Corbett (717-787-2500) about going against his commitment to those who elected him and supporting a policy that will have serious negative implications for rights of conscience and religious freedom. Please respectfully request that Gov. Corbett review the issue and return to his campaign commitment (His answer to our 2010 Voter’s Guide stated he was against placing ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ as a protected class in PA law.)