From Family Research Council:
Next Wednesday, January 16, the President will declare Religious Freedom Day. Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA), as the author of the International Religious Freedom Act, knows the Day well. He helped created the Commission on Religious Freedom at the State Department–and last Congress, he did everything he could to create special religious envoy there. His legislation was blocked, ironically, by Senator John Kerry, the President’s nominee Secretary of State.
This month, Congressman Wolf is trying again–and he’ll need every Christian’s help to make it happen. The time has come for the church to engage, or risk facing these threats at our very doors. Contact your Congressman and ask him to recognize Religious Freedom Day by speaking out for the persecuted believers–everywhere. For more on Rep. Wolf’s effort, tune in to today’s show, “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” at 5:00 (ET) to hear from the Congressman himself.