
Important Pro-Life Votes Coming up (As early as Monday, May 23rd)
Your State Senator Needs to Hear From You

Please call your State Senator on Two Key Pro-life Votes:

1. Ask your State Senator to support the Mensch Amendment to Senate Bill 732. The Mensch Amendment is almost identical to HB 574 which passed the House by close to a 3:1 margin last week and would require abortion facilities to abide by the same standards as other ambulatory surgical facilities.

2. Ask your State Senator to vote for Senate Bill 3 — which would allow PA to opt out of abortion coverage in the insurance exchanges required under the federal health
care plan. This bill would make sure that none of YOUR state tax dollars help to fund abortions.

Use our Citizen Action Center!

Call your State Senator today! Yes on the Mensch Amendment to SB 732 and Yes on SB 3.

The Grand Jury investigation and report on the Philadelphia abortion clinic scandal exposed horrific wrongdoing and allegations of murder of women and babies under the guise of medical care. Even more, the Grand Jury report reveals that abortion business in Pennsylvania has for many years operated in a politically protected “bubble,” which has allowed them to perform more than 30,000 abortions a year while ignoring commonly practiced medical standards.

Unfortunately, lobbyists from the abortion industry, and its allies, including the ACLU, have been fiercely lobbying against the regulations that the Mensch amendment would require – regulations that every other ambulatory surgical center in Pennsylvania has had to meet for more than three decades.

The abortion lobbyists are using scare tactics in order to keep their special carve-out in the law. I t’s time for you and me to change that!

Call your state senator today. And help spread the word to get others to do the same!

Pennsylvania Family Council is a non-profit organization made possible through financial donations from our supporters. To donate to Pennsylvania Family Council, click here.

23 N. Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 ~ Phone: 717-545-0600 ~ Fax: 717-545-8107 ~ www.pafamily.org